Welcome to the NEXUSHARE community!
NEXUSHARE is a knowledge sharing and learning platform of NEXUS-NESS, a research and innovation project funded by the European Commission within the PRIMA programme.
NEXUS-NESS is being implemented in 4 selected living laboratories, where researchers, citizens and organisations working together on delivering a sustainable future in Val di Cornia (Italy), Duero basin (Spain), Wadi Naghamish (Egypt) and Wadi Jir basin (Tunisia), with a focus on sustainable planning and management of water, energy, agricultural and natural ecosystem resources. In our project we call them Nexus Ecosystem Labs.
We kindly ask for a few minutes of your time to fill out the following questionnaire that will help us better understand your and/or your organization's expertise and needs, as well as your vision and ideas regarding Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus.
Do not worry If you just started to explore the world of WEFE Nexus, this questionnaire includes basic explanations of the concept and its main terminology.
Published by:
NEXUS-NESS Consortium
Francesco Minutella
Thanks for your participation and collaboration!